Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon: Why Look For Earth Like Conditions For Life?

I’ve been saying this for years. Life is extremely tenacious. Just look at life here. From the Antarctic to the deep ocean’s thermal vents where there is no sunlight or oxygen, life manages to flourish. Why narrow our search to Earth like conditions? I surmise the Cosmos is teeming with life and we’ll find it in the most hellish, almost impossible conditions.

The Universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it’s stranger than we CAN imagine!


In their hunt for potentially habitable planets around distant stars, scientists have been so focused on finding Earth-like planets that they’re ignoring the possibility that other kinds of planets might be even friendlier to life, a new report says.

So-called superhabitable worlds wouldn’t necessarily look like Earth but would nonetheless have conditions that are more suitable for life to emerge and evolve, according to the study published this month in the journal Astrobiology.

“In my point of view, astronomers and biologists are biased,” says Rene Heller, an astrophysicist at Canada’s McMaster University who is the study’s lead author. “These scientists look for planets that are Earth-like.”

But it’s possible that Earth is actually only marginally habitable by the standards of the universe, says Heller, who points out that our home may not represent a typical habitable world.

He and co-author John Armstrong of Weber State University in Utah have come up with a long list of traits that might make a planet “superhabitable.”

Such planets would most likely be older than Earth and two to three times bigger, the researchers say. And they would orbit stars that are somewhat less massive than our sun.

Any liquid water wouldn’t be in a giant, deep ocean, but would be scattered over the surface of the planets in shallow reservoirs. The planets would need a global magnetic field to serve as protection from cosmic radiation, and they would probably have thicker atmospheres than the Earth does.

“It’s good to start thinking now about how do we sort of rank these planets in terms of their potential to host life,” agrees Rory Barnes of the University of Washington, who uses computer models to explore the habitability of planets outside our solar system. “I think this paper does a really good job of examining the different kinds of features that all come into play when making a habitable planet.”

So far, scientists have detected about a thousand planets orbiting other stars. Current technology usually can’t reveal much about them — just a planet’s size, density and how far it orbits from its host star.

Planets are said to be in the “habitable zone” when their surface temperatures would potentially allow liquid water to exist on the surface.

“That’s all we can really say at this point,” Barnes says. “We don’t have any clue if they actually are habitable, let alone if they are inhabited.”
Courtesy of NPR.org

I’ve Seen Through The Looking Glass, Outside The Fishbowl


T. Blank

Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon: Reporter And An Air Force Veteran Witness An Enormous UAP

I’ve always had a keen interest in people who’ve witnessed giant unidentified aerial objects because it brings back memories and the emotions I felt when I had my experience with a gargantuan circular object over 30 years ago. (Read about it here)

In 1979…

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Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon: Reporter And An Air Force Veteran Witness An Enormous UAP

I’ve always had a keen interest in people who’ve witnessed giant unidentified aerial objects because it brings back memories and the emotions I felt when I had my experience with a gargantuan circular object over 30 years ago. (Read about it here)

In 1979 in the town of Bridgewater, a number of news outlets and law enforcement agencies were flooded with reports of large, low flying UAPs in the area. Jerry Lopez, an Air Force veteran and Steve Sprasia, a local radio reporter for 16 years, described the object as looking like “an arrow, a baseball home plate with a series of lights on it…very very wide”, perhaps as wide as five 747 airliners, wingtip to wingtip!

Check out this brief four-minute news video report.

See alsoJapanese Airline Followed By Huge UAP Twice The Size Of An Aircraft Carrier!

I’ve Seen Through The Looking Glass, Outside The Fishbowl


T. Blank

Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon: “Our jets scramble after UFOs” – Toronto Star – 1979

Ever since I/we saw an enormous Unidentified Aerial Object over 30 years ago (Read About it Here)…

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Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon: “Our jets scramble after UFOs” – Toronto Star – 1979

Ever since I/we saw an enormous Unidentified Aerial Object over 30 years ago (Read About it Here) just west of Toronto in the Mississauga area, I’ve been trying to find the original article to no avail. These words were in the headline, “Dozens of Mississauga residences reported a UFO as big as a football field”. If anyone can find this newspaper report, please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated.

However, I did find this article on the main page of the Toronto Star from 1979, “Our jets scramble after UFOs” The full article is just below this image. Enjoy.

Toronto, Ontario, STAR, 20 January 1979

Toronto Star

Our jets scramble after UFOs

By Joe Hall Toronto Star

WASHINGTON – Canadian jet fighters “scrambled” at least twice in one week in an attempt to intercept unidentified flying objects, it was confirmed last night.

The incidents were revealed in previously top-secret documents released in Washington by the U.S. Air Force and the defence department. They were confirmed by a National Research Council official in Ottawa.

The U.S. and Canadian reports said the UFOs were seen near a top-secret Canadian military installation and hovering over a number of nuclear missile launch sites and bomber bases in the United States.

U.S. and Canadian military personnel reported mysterious craft visiting the North American Air Defence Command (Norad) base at North Bay, Ont., and defence bases along the Canadian border in Montana, Michigan and Maine, the records show.

On radar

The sightings, both visually and on radar, at North Bay were described by Dr. Bruce McIntosh of the National Research Council’s Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa.

All the sightings were reported in the last few days of October and first few weeks of November, 1975.

The U.S. government records describe the intruders variously as helicopters, aircraft, unknown entities and brightly lighted, fast-moving vehicles that hovered over nuclear weapons storage areas and evaded all pursuit efforts.

The U.S. air force sent fighter planes and airborne command planes aloft on unsuccessful pursuit missions. The released records do not indicate whether the fighters fired on the intruders.

McIntosh said that on the night of Nov. 5, 1975, apparent targets were spotted on the radar at North Bay – part of a chain of command centres on permanent alert to warn of air attacks on North America.

Canadian interceptors were scrambled later that morning when the targets remained on the radar screen. Nothing was found, McIntosh said.

The U.S. records show that several sightings were made in the same period at Loring Air Force base in Maine of objects hovering over the weapons area.

Radar and visual sightings were made and a KC-135 tanker plane took off to oversee pursuit efforts by a helicopter from the Maine National Guard.

The object disappeared toward the Canadian border where Canadian jets were waiting on alert, the records show.

There was no indication in the records that the Canadian planes spotted any craft.

McIntosh’s office gets about 200 UFO reports a year from across the country. His planetary sciences office is concerned primarily with sightings of meteors but a UFO file has been kept since 1962.

Lack of evidence

McIntosh says he is not a believer in space ships piloted by alien beings “because there is just not enough concrete evidence.”

“If I were a gambling man, I would not place any money on it. But there are lots of things we cannot explain. I would be the happiest guy in the world if one landed in my backyard. Now that would be proof positive.”

The U.S. records show that two days after the North Bay incident, at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, Capt. Thomas O’Brien was coming off duty as a missile launch officer when, he said, an aircraft resembling a helicopter approached the silo area.

He and his deputy heard what they thought was a helicopter rotor over the building where they were resting.

The unidentified deputy looked out the window and saw “the silhouette of a large aircraft hovering about 10 to 15 feet above the ground” and about 25 feet from the launch-area fence.

He reported seeing red and white lights on the front, a white light on the bottom and another on the rear.

Darkness prevented him from seeing markings or personnel on the craft which left after a minute or so of hovering.

Lights reported

Military crews at two other nearby launch facilities reported moving lights in the air on the same evening.

McIntosh said one explanation for whatever was spotted on the North Bay radar was that on a clear night a high density of ice crystal layers in the sky could reflect radar beams onto aircraft over the horizon, not normally picked up on radar.

“I looked at the situation at the time – not very thoroughly I must admit – and I talked to the officer on duty at NORAD and satisfied myself that it was a coincidence (the radar sightings) and the UFO,” McIntosh reported.

Venus at some times in the year is 10 times brighter than any star and often seems out of place, “sticking out like a sore thumb,” McIntosh said.

Having seen targets on the radar, the officer probably went outside expecting to see something in the sky, he added.

Defence department officials in Washington said yesterday that formal investigation of unidentified flying objects ended in 1969 and there are no plans to re-start the probe, which went under the code name Operation Blue Book.

By T. Blank

My Official UAP Report Including My Drawings

I’ve Seen Through The Looking Glass, Outside The Fishbowl



See on Scoop.itUnidentified Aerial Phenomenon

T. Blank‘s insight:


See on www.ufoworldnews.com

Extraterrestrial Life Could Be 10 Times As Abundant As We Thought

See on Scoop.itUnidentified Aerial Phenomenon

We haven’t actually found any aliens yet – but already it looks like there are way more than we thought. According to new research, life can survive on planets up to 10 times farther away from their host stars than previously imagined.

T. Blank‘s insight:

Extraterrestrial Life Could Be 10 Times As Abundant As We Thought

See on www.huffingtonpost.co.uk

National UAP Alert: Four states report 139 November cases

See on Scoop.itUnidentified Aerial Phenomenon

The National UFO ALERT Rating System has been updated for December 2013, with California, Texas, Pennsylvania and Florida moving to a UFO Alert 3 as the highest

T. Blank‘s insight:

Four states report 139 November cases

See on www.examiner.com

National UAP Alert: Six states report 248 October cases

See on Scoop.itUnidentified Aerial Phenomenon

The National UAP ALERT Rating System has been updated for November 2013, with California, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan moving to a UAP Alert

T. Blank‘s insight:

Six states report 248 October cases

See on www.examiner.com

Cloudy with a chance of exoplanets

See on Scoop.itSpace Stuff

The atmospheres of two exoplanets are full of salty clouds.

T. Blank‘s insight:

Cloudy with a chance of exoplanets

See on arstechnica.com

Stony Brook University team discovers new compounds that challenge the foundation of chemistry

See on Scoop.itSpace Stuff

“I think this work is the beginning of a revolution in chemistry,” Oganov says. “We found, at low pressures achievable in the lab, perfectly stable compounds that contradict the classical rules of chemistry.

If you apply the rather modest pressure of 200,000 atmospheres—for comparison purposes, the pressure at the center of the earth is 3.6 million atmospheres—everything we know from chemistry textbooks falls apart.”

Among the compounds Oganov and his team created are two-dimensional metals, where electricity is conducted along the layers of the structure.

“One of these materials—Na3Cl—has a fascinating structure,” he says. “It is comprised of layers of NaCl and layers of pure sodium. The NaCl layers act as insulators; the pure sodium layers conduct electricity.

T. Blank‘s insight:

The more we learn, the less we know

See on sb.cc.stonybrook.edu

200-Kilometer-High Jets of Water Discovered Shooting From Europa

See on Scoop.itSpace Stuff

See on www.wired.com

Hubble detects high clouds surrounding alien worlds

See on Scoop.itSpace Stuff

T. Blank‘s insight:

The Hubble Space Telescope, has been able to observe clouds in the atmospheres of exoplanets dubbed “super-Earths”.

See on www.sen.com

Kepler-22b: Facts About Exoplanet in Habitable Zone

See on Scoop.itSpace Stuff

Kepler-22b is an alien planet that’s a bit larger than Earth, but it’s in the habitable region of its star.

T. Blank‘s insight:

72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius)? It’s -12 here. Hell, I’d rather be there!

See on www.space.com

Up in the Sky: It’s a Nuclear Explosion!

See on Scoop.itSpace Stuff

If you live in the southern hemisphere, you now can safely view the aftermath of a nuclear explosion from the comfort of your own backyard.

T. Blank‘s insight:

Look. A Cosmic KA-BOOOMIE!

See on www.livescience.com